October 22, 2018 - Budget Meeting
October Council Meeting
Please join us for the annual Budget Council Meeting tomorrow Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm in the Staff Room. It is during this meeting that the council will decide how the funds raised will be spent this year. Please come and hear what the council's focus for the year will be, what enrichment we can offer to students and teachers, and participate in the discussions on where the money should go.
Free childcare will be available in the library as usual. We hope to see you there!
Council Agenda
Prior to each Council Meeting we will post the Meeting Agenda on our website and send alerts via twitter and our Facebook group. After each meeting, Council Minutes will be posted to our website and notification of this posting will be sent via facebook and twitter.
Please see the October Meeting Agenda here.
How to Stay in Touch with Council
Website: www.annetteschoolcouncil.com
Email: annettestps@gmail.com
Twitter: @AnnetteCouncil
Facebook Group: Annette St P.S. Parents
For all school information please refer to the school website www.annettestreetpublicschool.com and sign up for twitter alerts from @TDSB_AnnettePS.