The funds raised through the Annette School Council are put towards the enrichment and support of the school through a variety of different programs and initiatives. The demand for these programs varies from year-to-year. As the needs of the school changes, so too does the allocation of funds. The current year’s requirements are reviewed by Council and School staff and the Councils’ budget is approved based on the feedback of both parents and teachers as to what the priority is for that year.
The following list shows initiatives that have been supported by Annette School Council in the past. To see the current school years allocations please review the Council Budget (COMING SOON).
In-Class Enrichment
Scientists in School – Funds go to book in-class workshops for any grade interested. Teachers can choose scientist workshops that are aligned with their class’s STEM curriculum, enhancing their in-class teachings. Check out the Scientists in School website.
Visiting Artists – Funds allow teachers to book artists and art programs that complement the curriculum (STEAM) for each individual grade. Previous projects have included the exterior school mosaic murals, and the Hidden River art project displayed on the outside fences.
Safe Space Initiative – Funds put towards the creation of “The Space” – a safe space in one classroom on each floor to be used as a safe mental health space for students who need quiet time for mindfulness or reactivation. Purchase of materials and supplies such as bean bags, sound-reducing headphones, room dividers, sensory items etc.
Technology and Resources– Funds are allocated to any classrooms requiring extra resources such as books and supplies. Funds have also been used to purchase new books for the Library. The current push is to support the school initiative to increase the number of Chromebooks available to the students. Council has purchased a number for Chromebooks and carts to be shared among the student community.
Field Trips – Council funds can be used to support field trips for classes. Particularly trips that are multi-day or overnight trips and outside the normal field trip format.
Lunchtime Clubs
JJs Skipping Club– Council helps fund the lunch hour skipping club by paying for skipping coaches as needed and helping with supplies as required.
Eco Club – Council funds buy supplies to support the Eco Club/Eco Committee. Funds have been used to purchase balsam wood rods to build mini fences for protecting our Canada 150 Tulip garden, wood chips and other gardening equipment, native plant seeds for our various school gardens, and gardening bags for our Black Oak Savannah clean-up.
Robotics Club– Funds have help support the club to ensure that they had the supplies required to make this a fantastic club.
Fitness and Play
Playday– Council funds have helped support the spring Playday in the school yard with multiple outdoor activities for all the grades.
Orange Door Initiative-The Orange Door is located in the school yard and holds a large assortment of play items for use at recess and lunches, available to all students. Council funds go to the purchase of the equipment including balls, skipping ropes, hula hoops, chalk, picnic mats etc for children’s use.
Sport Equipment Upgrade & Enhancement – Council funds are used to help upgrade and replenish/replace sports equipment as required.
Inclusion & Appreciation
Inclusion Fund – In every opportunity offered by School Council, council money is reserved to ensure that any child financially unable to participate can be funded by Council to ensure all students are included in every opportunity.
Heritage Dinner – Funds have been used to host this pot-luck dinner for all families of Annette students. The dinner is an opportunity to celebrate of the many diverse cultures within our own community and the commonality that we share.
Meals for Teachers – On Parent/Teacher Nights the Council uses funds to supply meals for all the teachers as a gesture of appreciation and support.
Welcome Back Fall Curriculum Night – Council funds pay for food and supplies for the welcome back event for all parents and students at Annette each fall.
Grad Support
Council funds are used to help support the Graduation celebrations of our Grade 8 students. Funds are also allocated to help fund the annual graduation trip to Montreal.