October 15, 2018
TDSB Traffic Safety Program
Annette St PS and HPAS have been selected as one of 15 schools to participate in the TDSB Traffic Safety Program for the 2018/19 school year. This program is a partnership between the TDSB, Green Communities Canada, Toronto Vision Zero and Toronto Public Health.
This is a huge opportunity for us to improve the traffic infrastructure at our school and surrounding areas. As part of the program we need to create a Traffic Committee at the school with members representing parents, teachers, daycare workers, and the local community. We are looking for parent participants representing a good cross-section of our school to become part of this committee. Participants will need to be available during some daytimes to attend meetings.
Overview of Traffic Safety Program
Participants in the Traffic Safety Program will receive support from a Facilitator who will:
-Investigate and respond to traffic related concerns on the school site and facilitate workable solutions in collaboration with Board administration, school staff and parent council
-Design, schedule and conduct field studies, such as traffic observations and travel surveys
-Assess traffic flow and behaviour at school site and prepare a school site traffic management plan, giving consideration to pedestrian, vehicle, cyclist and school bus traffic
-Identify infrastructure improvements needed and maintain an action plan to monitor progress
-Liaise with City Transportation Services staff to address traffic-related concerns around school site
-Develop a ‘Routes to School Map’ to provide information for families about popular routes to school and to help them plan their journey
-Support school with developing and implementing initiatives to encourage active modes of school travel.
Participating schools must commit to:
-Establishing a "Traffic Safety Team", that will help to champion the efforts of the Facilitator. Members of this team could include students, teachers, administrators, parents etc.
-Leading the promotion of active, safe and sustainable transportation amongst staff, students and families within the school community. Ideas of how this might be accomplished can be accessed through EcoSchools resources as well as the school’s Public Health Nurse. Encouraging active transportation at your school and in your community is an essential component of this project and will help to compliment your traffic management efforts.
To inquire about being a member on this committee please contact:
Annette St PS: Heather Hardcastle
HPAS: Stephanie Wilson
Information about this program will also be posted to the Annette St PS school website: www.annettestreetpublicschool.com
How to Stay in Touch with Council
Website: www.annetteschoolcouncil.com
Email: annettestps@gmail.com
Twitter: @AnnetteCouncil
Facebook Group: Annette St P.S. Parents
For all school information please refer to the school website www.annettestreetpublicschool.com and sign up for twitter alerts from @TDSB_AnnettePS.