November 11, 2018 - Newsletter

It's November!

As we head towards the end of the year there are lots of great things starting to happen at Council. Please read on to find out about new committees being started by our parents, upcoming bullying awareness presentations for parents, and fundraising updates!

Upcoming Dates

Nov 13 - Pizza Lunch
Nov 13 - Reports go home
Nov 16 - PA Day
Nov 21 - Bully Brave Presentation 6:30pm
Nov 21 - Council Meeting (after Bully Brave)
Nov 21 - Smoothie Day

October Council Minutes

We had a productive council meeting last month with a full review of this year's budget. Please review our meeting minutes here.

Bully Brave at November Council Meeting

The school is pleased to be able to host a Bully Brave presentation for parents about bullying and conflict resolution in schools. The presentation takes place on Wed Nov 21st at 6:30pm before the regularly scheduled council meeting. All parents are encouraged to attend; free tickets to the event are available through Eventbrite here.


We are starting our Annual Donation Drive again and are asking for your help to reach our donation goal of $7000 by December 31st. Donations can be made at School Cash Online and donations over $25 will be eligible for a tax receipt. Please read the letter from our Co-Chairs outlining where the funds will be allocated this year.

New Committees!

We are excited to announce that we have three new Committees at Annette Council which are open to all parents. We hope there is something for every parent to take an interest in. A huge thank you to the parents who are volunteering their time to get these groups off the ground! Now we need to grow these groups; any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated so please reach out to the contact of the committees. The more people we have involved, the more we can improve our school enrichment!
STEM Committee

The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) committee serves to bridge the gap between school and parents regarding STEM education. The goal of this committee is to assist teachers and parents with all things STEM related. The STEM committee will focus on the following:

1) Working with Teachers, Librarians and Principle, the committee will identify suitable technology in the classroom.

2) With the assistance from teachers, the committee will identify resources/materials to better support parents in STEM education at home.

3) Serve as a liaison between teachers and parents

4) Hosting Events & workshops for Parents in STEM

5) Working as a group, the committee will promote/organize STEM activities in the school.

I look forward to heading this committee and promoting a positive learning environment for students in STEM.
Committee Contact: Ronald Soong

Arts Committee
The Arts Committee exists to foster an appreciation of and participation in the Arts in all their forms. It is my hope that the Arts Committee will help connect the school with professional artists for school projects and events, provide support and mentor ship to student artists/clubs and arts groups, and assist with arts focused events at school (school plays, concerts, art exhibits, film festivals etc). The Arts Committee is open to anyone who appreciates and values the arts and wants to ensure they thrive and are available to all students at ASPS. I would love to have members who represents different disciplines such as music, visual arts, design etc.
Committee Contact: Stevie Baker
Traffic Committee
The traffic committee has been put together to be part of the TDSB Traffic Safety Program that Annette has been chosen for this year. In addition to our role in this program, we hope the traffic committee will be an ongoing active group at the school to help enforce safe traffic practices, facilitate Parent Safety Program for school drop-off area, and help with any future traffic campaigns to maintain a safe travel environment at our school.
Committee Contact: Heather Hardcastle

How to Stay in Touch with Council

Twitter: @AnnetteCouncil
Facebook Group: Annette St P.S. Parents

For all school information please refer to the school website and sign up for twitter alerts from @TDSB_AnnettePS.

Tara Ritchie