The Parent Council is made up of all parents and guardians of Annette students. The Executive of the Parent Council acts as a representative for parents and liaises with the school administration on a regular basis. The Executive meets on a monthly basis to keep informed regarding school activities initiated by both the school staff and the Parent Council.

Every parent/guardian has the opportunity to elect council members who they feel will best represent the parent community as a whole. Elected council members are available to listen to comments and concerns from the parent community, and to consult with parents/guardians about matters under consideration by the council, and will act in the best interest of students. School councils play a vital role in the education system.

They provide a forum through which parents/guardians and other members of school communities can contribute to improving student achievement and school performance.

Watch for a Document that will provide more detailed information about council responsibilities. (Coming Soon)

The Parent Council organizes and implements various programs, events and campaigns, many of which are outlined throughout the website. The administration will often come to the Parent Council with requests for input and assistance in school activities. A great way to find out more about what is going on at the level of the school as well as at the TDSB is to attend a Parent Council meeting.

The meetings are held monthly, on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. All members (parents and guardians of Annette School students) are invited to attend, each month during the school year. These meetings will often include a speaker or will focus on a specific issue that is felt to be relevant to Parent Council members. It’s a great way to learn firsthand what’s going on within the school, to ask questions, share information, and participate in discussions on matters brought to council. Council agendas are posted on the website at least one week in advance of meetings. Minutes are posted shortly after meetings on the website. Free childcare is available.

If you wish to learn more about Parent Council, or would like to get involved, please email

What We Do

School council acts as an advisory body that makes recommendations to the principal or to the TDSB on any matter. There are guidelines established by the Ontario Ministry of Education (Education Act 612), as well as council By-laws, which set out the regulations governing how council conducts itself. The purpose of the Parent Council “is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents”. School councils are able to make recommendations to their principals and school boards on any matter. Principals and school boards, in turn, must consult with school councils on a variety of matters that affect student learning. They must also consider recommendations made by school councils and report back to the councils on how they plan to act on their advice.


As a result of funding cuts by the Ministry and the TDSB over the years, fundraising for our school has become a priority of the Annette School Council. Our fundraising supports opportunities to provide enhancements to the curriculum and enrichment experiences for our student body. Every year the School Council raises funds through a number of volunteer-run events. From monthly Pizza Lunches, to Parents’ Pub Nights to the always popular Annual Fun Fair, there are initiatives run throughout the year to help increase funds for the school.

The School Council works closely with the School to coordinate funding efforts that ensure:

  • Funds support the School Improvement Plan (SIP) to complement school directives and ensure a collaborative united approach to our children’s learning.

  • Funds raised are primarily directed to Enrichment programmes to complement Teacher’s education plan.

  • Every child has access to all programmes or opportunities provided if they want to participate so that no child feels left out.

  • No family is overburdened throughout the school year through competing initiatives from the school, teacher and council fundraising campaigns.

Who pays for what?

Paid for by the Board

Text books
Duo tangs, Folders
Desks, Tables & Chairs
Some Manipulatives

Paid by the Parent Council Fundraising:

Scientist in the Classroom
Playground Improvements & Equipment
Bus transportation
School Club & Sport Support
Grade 8 Graduation Party
Parent Teacher Interview Night Dinner for the teachers
Teacher Luncheon
Welcome Back BBQ
Families in Need Subsidy